
"Imran Khan's New Pakistan?" ex-wife asks after car is allegedly shot at.

 "Imran Khan's New Pakistan?" ex-wife asks after car is allegedly shot at.

Reham Khan questioned whether this is "Imran Khan's New Pakistan" in a series of tweets. Before the alleged shooting, she wrote that she had "just changed" cars.

After her car was allegedly fired at yesterday night, Reham Khan, an activist and former wife of Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan, criticised him over the country's law and order crisis.

Ms Khan questioned whether this is "Imran Khan's New Pakistan" in a series of tweets. Her secretary and driver were in the automobile, she said, and she had "just changed" the vehicle.

"My car was shot at on the way back from my nephew's wedding, and two men on a motorcycle held the vehicle at gunpoint!! I'd just switched vehicles. My chauffeur and I were in the car. Is this the New Pakistan of Imran Khan? Greetings from the land of cowards, thugs, and the greedy!! "she sent out a tweet

Ms Khan, who has criticised Pakistan's government on a number of occasions, added in another tweet that the "so-called government" should be held accountable.read more

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