
Extreme weather occurrences necessitate improved global weather forecasting.

 Extreme weather occurrences necessitate improved global weather forecasting.

Extreme weather has the greatest impact on poor countries, but they often lack the capacity to create forecasts that can save lives. Something is now being done about it.

The science of meteorology is concerned with weather forecasts that many of us take for granted. We may take forecasts for granted because they are so regular, yet good forecasts can provide important and life-saving information during extreme weather events such as severe storms.

Better weather data may be able to assist us in coping with climate change.

What can we do to limit the effects of weather while we work to cut emissions that contribute to rising global temperatures?

Having the accurate data is a good place to start when it comes to bettering climate policy.

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO), in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), has developed a project that would save lives and money in areas most affected by increasingly prevalent extreme weather events.

The Systematic Observation Financing Facility (SOFF) covers the costs of exchanging weather data and providing correct meteorological data through training.

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