
Make Your First $25 Blogging easy to earn check and start now

Make Your First $25 Blogging

By Anmol Ghai 

1. This Is Not Easy

Jesse Creel is not about bullshitting you. Making your first $25 is hard as rocks. 

2. This Takes A Long Time

I started JesseCreel.com in 2016. So far I’ve made $28 with Adsense. It takes a long time to make 

3. It’s Worth It

When you see your first cents coming in, it’s gratifying. It’s worth it to know that yes, you do have a stream of income from blogging and you are making progress. Google isn’t going to take that money away from you, you earned it, it’s yours. And it’s only going to keep racking up.

4. You Won’t Set The World On Fire Until You Set Yourself On Fire

If you want to make it blogging, your going to have to put the fire under your own ass. With blogging, you are your own boss, so there’s no one to put pressure on you to work. 

You’ve got to have the fire within you not only from the start, but you’ve got to reignite it through disappointments.

5. Get Your Own Blog

Yes you can make money for free on a blog like Blogger, but I recommend getting your own domain. 

You can’t go wrong with firstandlastname.com. Chances are that no one has already purchased your name as a domain, so it’s available. Your blog will be able to grow with you as you change. 

If you’re blogging under your own name, your free to write whatever you want. I’ve purchased a lot of blogs over the years,  and it’s what I always come back to. This is because I can stand behind my name. If you can’t stand behind your own name, then what can you stand for?

6. Get Adsense On Your Blog

You need a good amount of content for Google to put Adsense on your blog, but once you do, get it up. Don’t wait. The sooner you can get Adsense up on your site, the faster you’ll be able to get that $25.

7. Keep Writing Posts

Once you have enough content to get Adsense on your site, and you have it running, don’t stop there. Keep writing posts. The more posts you have, the more chance you’ll have to earn money. Keep writing posts, can’t say it enough.

8. Watch As The Cents Roll In

Now that you have Adsense on your site, and your continuing to write, watch the cents roll in. I wouldn’t recommend checking your earnings everyday because that may lead to frustration. You’ll have days, maybe even weeks, where you make nothing at all. Then one day, you may make $9. That said, it’s fun to check it and see if you made any money. Even if it’s only a few cents, it’s fun to know that you are actually monetizing your work.

9. Slowly Make Your Way To $2

Once you get your first cents rolling in, just keep up the good work. It may take a while, but you will
eventually make your way to $25.

10. This Is Not A Get Rich Quick Scheme

Your not going to get rich this way. But you will make some money.

11. Do It For The Love Of Blogging

It’s best to just do it for fun. Make the $25 not for the money, but for the love of blogging. Once you get some kind of result, then you may be able to launch some kind of business from that. And who knows, maybe you’ll be able to make more money faster than me. I certainly hope so.

12. Your Journal Can Help You

Your journal will be there for you in the good and bad times. I find it enjoyable to write about the good times, and comforting when the times are bad. Your journal will help you dump your brain out on the page, not think about the disappointment as much, keep you motivated, and help you reflect on what works. Lean on your journa

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